Adara’s Rose

A somewhat lopsided flower, though pretty and pleasantly-scented in its own way, Adara’s Rose was created by the wizard Belgarion more or less by accident one day in Algaria.

Unbeknownst to Belgarion (or to Adara, for whom he created it), the flower was also capable of being made into a potent medicine – the sovereign remedy, in fact (a cure for all known disease).

However, this second fact was not known until several years later, when it was revealed by the seer Cyradis, and used to cure the Mallorean Emperor ‘Zakath of a bad case of thalot poisoning.

Related Drugs: Athsat.


Agony, also known as Liquid Pain, is exactly what it claims to be: the distillation of pain and suffering by magical means into a drug. The resulting substance is a thick, reddish liquid resembling blood only more viscous.

It is highly prized among certain extra-planar beings, who can use it to feel pleasures greater than they are otherwise able. Side effects of Agony include an initial stunning effect that incapacitates the user for a brief period and leaves them groggy for a time after that. Curiously, it also makes them more attractive to anyone around them for a period lasting anywhere from one to eight hours.

Agony would likely be a drug of great addiction among demons, devils and their ilk, were it not for the fact that an overdose causes unconsciousness, which means that the effects are wasted instead of the users.

Related Drugs: Baccaran, Devilweed, Luhix, Mordayn Vapor, Mushroom Powder, Redflower Leaves, Sannish, Terran Brandy and Vodare.


Akpaloli is a poison made from the juice of a common russet-yellow weed that grows in the oases of Mars. It is colorless, and without taste or odor. It kills almost instantly, leaving no trace, and imitating closely the symptoms of heart-disease. It is in many ways a Martian equivalent to Iocaine.

But used in infinitesimal doses, Akpaloli is a very powerful stimulant, useful in cases of syncope, and serving, not infrequently to re-animate victims of paralysis in a quite miraculous manner. And Iocaine can’t do that.

Related Drugs: Clithni, Mnophka, Plutonium and Selenine.


An alchemical preparation usually in the form of a dust, Akkadris is a euphoric and stimulant.

It is highly addictive, causing withdrawal symptoms including profuse sweating and violent mood swings in those who attempt to quit it.

It is also highly illegal, and because it is more commonly a drug of the well-to-do than of those closer to street level, many Akkadris users labour under the dual burdens of addiction… and blackmail.


A highly addictive drug, Akira is an enhancer of psychic powers. It turns ordinary mortals into psychics, and those who already have magical or psychic talents into virtual superhumans – while it lasts.

The exact details of its naming are unknown, but it seems likely that it was named for the legendary Japanese comic series, which prominently features psychic powers.

Akira enjoyed a brief vogue as the drug of choice of Los Angeles’ Sub Rosa (i.e. magical) subculture, but the strongly expressed disapproval of Sandman Slim (and the disappearance of its source) put paid to that.

Related drugs: Cupbearer’s Elixir.


Aldetox is exactly what its named suggests it to be: a treatment for relieving the symptoms of alcohol consumption in humans.

Generally consumed (like the alcohol) as a liquid, it appears to be equally effective against intoxication and hangovers. While it has never been confirmed, it is likely that Aldetox was created by one or more of the godlike Artificial Intelligences that govern the Polity.

Related Drugs: Praist.


Allswell is a chemical that naturally occurs in the human brain (at least, the humans of Arbre). It makes people feel a sense of well-being and optimism. Some centuries ago, it was genetically engineered into the plant named Blithe, which is a dietary staple throughout Arbre.

Throughout Arbre except in the maths, that is. The avout are forbidden to consume it – or even to grow it – and their time spent outside their maths is limited to ten days in order to stop it from starting to affect them adversely.

Alphanella Seeds

A highly addictive hallucinogen, Alphanella seeds are used by many artists throughout the galaxy – notably the painter Poor Yorick – to help fuel their inspiration. Strangely, despite the popularity of the seeds, little is known of the Alphanella plant, although it is presumably either quick-growing, adaptable to wide range of climes, or both.

The seeds themselves are small and brown, but each of them is quite potent, although the effects tend to wear off quickly. The effects include enhanced senses and cognition, and an unchained imagination. But long term use tends to debilitate the user, leaving them unable to think or talk straight when they are not on the drug.

Higher doses can induce trance-like states that last for several hours, sometimes even days.

Related Drugs: Niathol

Amazo Pills

Little is known about Amazo Pills other than the name. Certain inferences can be be made based on it, however.

Amazo Pills are named after an android created by one Professor Ivo, which was able to duplicate all the superhuman abilities of the Justice League of America.

It is likely, therefore, that the pills duplicate this effect to some extent, and presumably allow the user to duplicate the powers of nearby superhumans. Amazo himself was able to duplicate even powers granted by artifacts such as Green Lantern’s ring or Wonder Woman’s lasso – it is unlikely that the drug is anywhere near this powerful.

Related drugs: Darkshots, Hyperdrene, Mongoose Blood and Xenite

Ambrosia (Deus Ex)

The one and only vaccine for the mysterious Gray Death nanoplague, Ambrosia, a product of the VersaLife company, is also, technically, not a drug. Rather, it is a non-organic compound containing eutactic (that is, ‘perfectly ordered’) components: it is, like the Gray Death, a form of nanotechnology. And given that nanotechnology can only be produced with the use of a Universal Constructor – all of which are controlled by MJ12 – it forms part of a system of control (along with the plague it cures) for that conspiracy.

The artificial and sinister nature of Ambrosia goes a long way towards explaining why it is a near-perfect cure for and source of immunity to the Gray Death – but also why a single dose, usually 20cc, only works for 48 hours at a time. It is not, despite the use of the word above, actually a vaccine, but more of an artificial antibody. It is also extremely valuable and hard to come by, and legal use is largely restricted to those whom MJ12 finds useful: government officials, military personnel, the rich and influential, scientists, the intellectual elite, and anyone else deemed “vital to the social order”.

Related Drugs: Zyme